CNA Classes in WV | Consists of at least 65 hours of classroom instruction on nurse…

Willing to do what it takes to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in West Virginia?  CNAs are medical paraprofessionals working in any healthcare facility like nursing homes, hospitals or adult care units. Nurse aides in West Virginia with CNA certification are called Registered Long-Term Care Nurse Aides. What does it take to become a CNA in West Virginia? You must first enroll into a CNA training program that is state approved. Upon the completion of this CNA training program you are eligible to challenge the state competency examination which is issued by Professional Health Care Development. After obtaining a passing score in this exam, your name gets placed on the West Virginia Certified Nurse Aide Registry permitting you to work in any healthcare facility throughout the West Virginia. You must undergo a criminal background check and have cleared sex offender reports during the enrollment into a CNA training program.

What are the features or prerequisites of a CNA program in West Virginia? Every CNA program in West Virginia must consist of at least 120 hours which consists of at least 65 hours of classroom instruction on nurse aide based knowledge and 55 hours of clinical training unlike other states where 16 hours of clinical training is sufficient as per the federal laws. CNA training is often offered at licensed nursing homes and private schools, community colleges, high schools, licensed long term care units or skilled care units. Once graduated, you could challenge the state competency exam which costs you $100. It consists of two parts: written and performance. The written part consists of 100 multiple choice questions to be completed in 2 hours while the skills performance portion consists of five nursing aide skills to be completed with 100% accuracy in 50 minutes in order to receive a passing score.

Do you know how much a CNA earns in West Virginia? According to the Work Force West Virginia Labor Market information, a CNA in West Virginia gets an average annual salary of $19,800. It is to be noted that the CNA job growth in West Virginia is projected to be 14% in the coming years as predicted by the same agency.

Some CNA Training Classes in West Virginia

Boone Career Center  – Danville
HC 81 Box 50 B, Danville, WV 25053

Med Care Training Center – Cora
Valleyview Dr., Cora, WV 25614

Cameron Nursing and Rehabilitation
Route 4, Cameron, WV 26033

Canterbury Center Nurse Aide Classes- Shepherdstown
Rt. 1 Box 5, Shepherdstown, West Virginia 25443

Ansted Center Nursing Assistant Program
P.O. Box 400, Ansted, West Virginia 25812

Berkeley Springs Rehabilitation and Nursing
456 Autumn Acres Rd., Berkeley Springs, WV 25411

Beverly Health Care – Glasgow
120 Melrose Dr., Glasgow, West Virginia 25086

Broaddus Hospital  – Philippi
Mansfield Hill, Philippi, West Virginia 26416

Carly received her cna certification from Lower Columbia College in Longview WA. Carly really loves her job, her two cats and one dog. Her first passion is writing, she loves to encourage other people who are thinking of becoming a cna to take that first step. Thats why she asked us if she could help with this site. Without Carly I dont think this website would be possible or in any way successful. Thank you Carly for all your input. Contact Carly at: [email protected]

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